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Love You Active Wear is more than a brand. It's a Lifestyle

As women, most of us take care of other people before we take care of ourselves. Because life is busy, we plow through, pulling up our own selves by our bootstraps and keep going while our children, spouses, and family are taken care of. Our health and well being is usually the last thing we think about. I know first hand, myself, raising four amazing, rambunctious kids and trying to keep everything running smoothly while I really forgot to pay attention to my own self-care. My health was failing. I suffered from Eczema. I was tired and overweight for my height.


Now that my health is on the right track, have made it apart of my mission to create a line that is dedicated to exercise, health, beautiful mindset, fun delicious free recipes, and celebrating our womanhood! We must live our lives with meaning and purpose. Living means, taking a break when our bodies need it. We can not enjoy life and seeing our dreams come to fruition when we are out of order. I know want to be alive and healthy to witness those wonderful things. Join me in this great cause and be apart of the Love You Awakening!  Love YOU so that you can LOVE others!





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